Meconopsis hybrids in the wild

Just seven hybrids have been reported in the wild.

M. ×cookei (punicea × quintuplinervia)
This hybrid is widely grown. It is perennial, producing spreading mats. ‘Old Rose’ is a particularly good form, with quintuplinervia ‘Kaye’s Compact’ as one of the parents. Back-crosses with M. punicea have been made, with the aim of producing plants with the brilliant red flowers of M. punicea, but perennial instead of monocarpic.
M. ×kongboensis (simplicifolia × sulphurea)
M. castanea × georgei
M. huanglongensis × punicea
M. pinnatifolia × horridula subsp. horridula
M. regia × paniculata
M. staintonii × taylorii